Colorado | Sunny Dayz Alpaca Acrez
Contact Information
Stephanie Browner
6065 Mulberry Rd.
Calhan, CO 80808
Services Offered
- Clinics
- One-on-one mentorship
- An opportunity to show at the local county or state fair
- An opportunity for a 4-H or FFA club to meet at my farm
- An opportunity to show an alpaca at an AOA show or participate in the Youth Judging program
- Half or full-day camps
I am a vetted Alpaca/Llama Leader in El Paso County, Colorado. I also am a Leader for Heritage Arts Fiber-Wet Felting in 4-H. I currently lease alpacas to 4-H Members (all age groups). This year (2022–2023), we have ten families lease a Suri alpaca for the 4-H Fair. We have obstacles to practice on days it works for the lessee; we transport the llamas and alpacas, allowing training at our facilities, we hold clinics, participate in petting zoos and community services, and most importantly, we train the lessee to care for their alpacas and how to show llamas and alpacas. We want each child to learn by having a good experience!
The cost is $20.00 per child, but this can be worked off quickly with a few chores if the family would like to do this instead. It is a $5.00 fee for transportation to the events the family participates in. Each member will need to sign a lease per 4-H rules. If a child would like to know more about alpacas and is not in 4-H, they may do so on our appointments page. We are ALWAYS happy to share our knowledge and alpacas with young people.
Transportation Provided to Alpaca Shows
Additional Information
Any form of mistreatment of our animals is not acceptable. We welcome all children from all backgrounds.