Iowa | Iowa State University Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center
Non-emergency phone calls highly encouraged during regular business hours (same number 515-294-1500). This ensures you will speak with an attending clinician most comfortable with answering your questions.
1809 S. Riverside Drive
Ames, Iowa
Map and Directions
Use entrance A — marked with large red cross. Follow arrows to large animal unloading entrance. Directions are available online at
Open 24/7
Veterinarian Referral
No referral needed, however, we often work closely with referring veterinarians to ensure proper follow-up and care on-farm. And, for all involved to provide the utmost care and management of cases.
Telephone Consultations
No charge.
Out-of-State Consultations
Yes. However, prescription of medications would require a valid VCPR having been established. Clients strongly encouraged to work with a local veterinarian. We will consult with both you and your rDVM.